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The Live Performances | 2018 Hyundai Mercury Prize
Wolf Alice - Don't Delete The Kisses (Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018)
Wolf Alice win the Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018
Mercury Prize 2018 - Shortlist Playlist
Mercury Prize 2018
King Krule - Dum Surfer (Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018)
Mercury Prize: Lily Allen on fame, failure and breaking her press caricature
Florence + The Machine - Hunger (Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018)
Lily Allen - Apples (Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018)
Wolf Alice celebrate prestigious Mercury Prize win with jagerbombs
black midi - bmbmbm (Hyundai Mercury Prize 2019)
Novelist - Nov Wait Stop Wait (Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018)
The 2018 Shortlist | Hyundai Mercury Prize
Everything Everything - Night of the Long Knives (Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018)
Jorja Smith - Blue Lights (Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018)
Mercury Prize: 'Wolf Alice' on the role of rock music in today's society
Wolf Alice - Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018 Winners
ALBUMS - Mercury Prize 2018
mercury prize winners
Hyundai Mercury Prize: The 2018 Shortlist
Nadine Shah - Out The Way (Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018)
Music stars arrive at the 2016 Mercury Prize ceremony - Daily Mail
Sons Of Kemet - My Queen is Harriet Tubman (Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018)
Everything Is Recorded - Close But Not Quite (Hyundai Mercury Prize 2018)
Everything Everything on the Mercury Prize 2018, and changing perceptions of masculinity
Wolf Alice Exclusive Winner's Interview | 2018 Hyundai Mercury Prize
Lily Allen: 'I'd use the Mercury Prize money for post-Brexit Visa applications'
2018 Hyundai Mercury Prize Artists On The Art Of The Album Format (Part 1)
Novelist on the Mercury Prize and not being 'pigeonholed' by grime
Wolf Alice win 2018 Mercury Music Prize
Pre-Performance Rituals | 2018 Hyundai Mercury Prize Red Carpet
Mercury Prize: 'Sons of Kemet' discuss the strong women that inspire their music
2018 Hyundai Mercury Prize Shortlist
Novelist talks to us about new music, his scene and the Mercury Prize 2018
2018 Hyundai Mercury Prize - London Piccadilly
Wolf Alice on the Mercury Prize and their special plans for last live gigs of 2018
The Shortlist | 2018 Hyundai Mercury Prize
Which Artists Would You Share Your Stage With Tonight? | 2018 Hyundai Mercury Prize Red Carpet
Wolf Alice on the Mercury Prize, Shame, and their next album
Best/Worst Mercury Prizes Winners
Dave's Psychodrama is the winner of the Hyundai Mercury Prize 2019
Mercury Awards shortlisted artists speak ahead of award announcement
Everything Everything on the Mercury Prize, Shame and making music in the 'divisive' Brexit age
Nadine Shah on the Mercury Prize 2018, Lily Allen and attitudes on immigration
2012 Mercury prize album of the year contenders
NOVELIST Interview On Breakfast TV - Mercury Prize - 20th Sept 2018
Lily Allen at the Mercury Prize 2018 and the state of music in 2018: 'Where are The Clash?'
Wolf Alice Mercury Prize
Antony & The Johnsons win Mercury Music Prize [2005] + Interview